Sunday, May 2, 2010

Metacognition: Jane Eyre Writing Assignment

When our group first sat down to start the Jane Eyre writing assignment, I wasn't really sure where it was going to end up. I feared that it would be boring, the characters would be flat, and that I wouldn't have much to add to it. But once we got started, I felt the creative juices in me flowing. I'm not sure what made it start, but I'm glad it did.

Every time we started a new topic, or needed a character to come up with something interesting, a creative idea popped into my mind. It was like there was a great idea in there whenever I needed one. And I'm not overexaggerating. I forced myself to really focus on the project at hand(mostly because I wanted to get it done). Great things came from it.

And because I was focused, the other people in my group were too. It's amazing how off task people can get sometimes. Based on previous experiences, if one person isn't there to work, the whole atmosphere changes. But we all wanted to be there and get the job done, so we did.

I wish every other project could be like this for me. This project came easier, it was free flowing and there was always something interesting to add. Even when we needed to think harder or deeper about something, the three of us came up with something. Maybe it was the whole collaboration aspect of the project. People don't always come up with great ideas on their own. I felt like we all really contributed and did the best we could with it. Altogether, the project was a success.
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