Monday, March 15, 2010

Blogging Around

Chelsea's Blog: She discussed the lack of intimacy between the man and the woman in "Cathedral." She connected this to her own personal, real life relationships.

The lack on intimacy is definitely a problem we see reoccurring everywhere. In my opinion, this is due partially to the increase in technology. We text instead of calling, email instead of talking face to face about things, and chat on face book instead of hanging out.

The lack of intimacy in the relationship between the "guy and girl" in the story seems to be due to distractions in their lives. Sure, we can see they love each other. But, they both seem more interested in other things. Tv, smoking, and newer more interesting things(Robert, for example).

But, I also don't think that anyone can completely judge anyone else's relationships. An outside person looking into someone else's relationship is going to see things different. The amount of intimacy between two people obviously goes down when other people are factored into the equation.

Vicki's Blog: Vicki wrote about one our last current events meetings, where we discussed the future of our generation. Mr. Allen brought up how he is scared for us and our future, and Vicki connected this to our lives and how the government administrates for us.

I remember hearing Mr. Allen's words about "long-term thinking" as well. I have to be honest, this scared me and really made me think about my future on this planet. I'm so used to living in Northbrook. I don't have to worry about making a living, how the environment's gradual destruction might affect me, etc. Yet.

Our lives are so comfortable as they are now. I think the reason we aren't making the necessary changes that need to be made is because we feel content with where we are. I have come to realize this is the main problem with our thinking. We wait until it gets so bad, that we have to make changes. For example, we are probably going to wait until an "environmental catastrophe" happens, and THEN we make laws completely regulating what we put into it.

There is not much we can do about this either. We can only hope that the government does what is best for us...

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